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Earth Day | World Environment Day | Activities for Kids to Celebrate and Learn About the Planet

Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April to raise awareness about environment, biodiversity, climate crisis, and threats to this place we call home. Earth Day is a call for everyone to do their bit to save and repair planet Earth. We all must celebrate this day even if we do not celebrate anything else, because there is no other universal and unifying theme than this: Planet Earth is the ONLY home we have. Do check out this website to know more about Earth Day: Earth Day: Indian Chapter: Important Initiatives

Similarly, World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5th annually, is a global event organized by the United Nations to raise awareness and encourage action for the protection of the environment. It serves as a platform for promoting environmental advocacy and sustainable practices worldwide.

Earth Day / World Environment Day Activities for Kids

Here are some Earth Day activities for kids that are fun to do. You can do various activities incorporating art, craft and reading with your child to make them aware about Earth Day and the issues related to environment.

(i) Do a special earth friendly activity

Plant a Tree

# Trees4Earth initiative of Earth Day aims to inspire citizens of the Earth to plant trees to fight climate change and restore habitats. It is a fun and heartwarming activity to plant a seed in a little pot (even a discarded plastic curd bucket will do!) and watch it grow and learn to take care of it (water it, not overwater it, keep away from strong sun and rain, etc.)

Start Activities that can end Plastic Pollution

Learn about the effect of plastic and how you can help to decrease plastic pollution.

# EndPlasticPollution is a citizen run initiative to raise awareness and find ways to address the plastic pollution crisis. It is a great idea to tell kids about the Three Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. You can do any of such activities or show the kids how you do things around the house to contribute to this cause.

(ii) Reading Activities

What better way to celebrate these days than actually know a bit about them, their significance, our environment, what we can do to help, and about the beauty of our planet?

Here are the best books that touch these issues, do check them out!

(a) Know about Endangered Species directly from EarthDay.Org

Learn about Endangered Species from this free E-book. You can specifically look up specific plant or animal and their threat profile on page 39 using the hyperlinks.

(b) 10 Things I can do to help my world

Children are eager to help save Earth, but need ideas as to how they can do that. This book with its bright and bold art work offers simple ways to make a difference. Small things that a child can do to save water, save trees, etc. A lovely book for children to celebrate Earth Day. Good for kids of all ages.

orange background with text "10 things I can do to help my world"
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(c) The EARTH Book

Todd Parr is famous for his style of blending playfulness with sensitivity. In this book that is printed entirely with recycled materials and nontoxic soy inks, children come to know many easy ideas on how we can all work to save earth, save trees, save energy, recycle, etc. Children love the interior gatefold with a poster with tips/reminders on how children can "go green" in daily life. Let us treasure our home, and keep it happy and healthy! Good for kids of all ages.

green background with an illustration of earth held by 2 kids
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(d) Hello, World! Planet Earth

This board book, well suited for small kids above 2.5 years of age, showcases facts about

countries, continents, oceans, landforms, habitats, and Earth's place in the solar system. All this is presented in really simple and easy way, with bright, cheerful illustrations.

drawing of earth with words-Hello world,  Planet Earth
Click to view on Amazon India

(e) Planet Earth

A fantastic Usborne book with beautiful pictures and simple and short explanation to teach facts about the geographical features of our amazing Earth, like mountains, rivers, deserts, caves, oceans and space. Suitable for kids above 5 years of age.

polar landscape underneath blue sky with text Plant Earth
Click to view on Amazon India

(f) My Green Day: 10 Green Things I Can Do Today

Eco warriors, get ready. Each of us can make a difference to create a Greener Earth - ten simple small things that even a child can do. Simple, bright pictures, with a small explanation to back up every activity, My Green Day is a lovely book for small children.

clothes hanging on a line in a garden with text my green day
Click to view on Amazon India

(g) Hello, Mr World

In this brilliant book, award winning author and illustrator, Michael Foreman shows what climate change is doing to our world and inspires us all to make a difference.

Earth with a nurse and a doctor looking at it, Text says Hello, Mr. World.
Click to view on Amazon India

(iii) Earth Day Art & Craft Activities

We love and protect our Earth craft

Paper Mache Earth

A Woven Earth

24 Art & Craft Activities Playlist

This is a nice YouTube playlist of 24 videos with some great art and craft ideas for kids to do for Earth Day.

Easy Art Activities

Hope you have a lot of fun doing these. Don't forget to post your activities to our Facebook Group.

Don't forget to download our Free Earth Day Printables. These are worksheets with fun activities for kids to enjoy Earth Day and know more about this important event.

Picture of earth with plants, with the words World Earth Day


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